Saturday 18 April 2009

Day 17, My First Late Day

I am SO SORRY this is late, I've been so good so far but today I ended up going to the pub and staying there a good while longer than I was expecting to...


and so we are taken down a peg or several,
and so we begin to distance ourselves from
what we see as ‘real’ and what we see as ‘pretentious’.
There Were Words Spoken.
There Were Glances Exchanged.
There was definitely the overuse of capitalisation.

and as the ringing in my ears
faded to the rings around my glass I realised
we would never become a capitalised ‘Them’,
and I was thankful.

and although we have come so far and been through so much,
I still cannot bring myself
to pick up the phone and call.

it must always be your voice on the end of my line.

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